All are invited.......I’m still blown away when I think about what this open invitation means. I’m still in awe that I was invited years ago to sit in sacred circle and trusted with ancient teachings and techniques indigenous to this land, Turtle Island, in order to bring wellness to others. I am not unique or special--the invitation truly is open to anyone who is open to learning with a respectful and humble spirit.
Our elder and teacher, Jenny Ray, has trained others to become ambassadors of these traditions and invites those who are ready to become teachers, to be able to further share these traditions. As a Certified Stone Medicine Instructor, I am able to share this tradition with you.
What an unbelievable gift, considering the painful history of Jenny’s people in their journey to survive on this continent, and to hold on to their traditions and identity. It is a history that’s close to home for me, quite literally. My mother grew up in the small farming community of Freeman South Dakota, only 275 miles from the Pine Ridge Reservation, where Jenny Ray spent her early childhood, around the same time. I grew up in eastern Iowa, closer to the Great Lakes region, the traditional homeland of the Santee Dakota, before their removal. My ancestors were immigrants to these lands, farmers who settled on homelands taken violently and coercively from the Sioux Nation and its other original inhabitants.
When I think about this shared history and what it means today, the immense generosity of this decision to share the Stone Medicine traditions openly is almost incomprehensible. It is one of the most incredible acts of forgiveness, reconciliation and healing that I can imagine.
Can you wrap your head around the generosity of this invitation? You don’t need any previous training or experience. You don’t need a recommendation letter, or to be a certain kind of person. All you need is an open heart.
This is your invitation.
This March I’ll be offering the introductory class and prerequisite to further study of these traditions, called Stone Medicine I. Stone Medicine is a wellness practice that includes hot/chilled stone massage, aromatherapy, sound healing and healing touch/energy work.
These topics will be introduced in the class, with a basic treatment session demonstrated and then practiced by participants. Ceremony is also introduced as a method of connection to Mother Earth in the traditions of the ancestors who first developed this style of wellness and as a foundational way to nurture and ground the practitioner and their wellness practice. Participation in the ceremonial activities offered during the course enlighten participants on how to ‘Walk the Stone People’ in honor. A variety of traditions come to life, including ‘Smudge’, ‘Prayer Tie Offerings’, ‘Calling the Directions’ and, of course, ‘Inyan Pejuta’ (Stone Medicine).
These traditions were first taught outside of the traditional biological and tribal lineage by Jenny Ray, who was trained in her family's traditions. Her family, the Thompson Family, is part of the Bear Clan, in the Stone Walkers Society, from the Santee People of the Dakota Tribe of the Sioux Nation.
Jenny and her father Chas (Charles) Thompson worked tirelessly over many years with the spiritual tribal leaders of the Pine Ridge Reservation as well as an Inter-tribal council, to decide what specific parts of this tradition could be shared in the modern world and how it could be taught to non-Native people.
In Jenny’s words:
"My father was the last of my teachers in Stone Medicine and he crossed over in 2007. Now, I find myself as the last living one with this knowledge that was trained in the old ways.....I want you to know that the ancestors who taught me these traditions knew that in my lifetime there would be few Native Americans practicing this wellness method and they instructed me to carry it forward to the non-Native community. They felt it was important to support the modern world because they understood that these times of disconnection from the earth were coming. They told me many times that because of my mixed blood I would have a voice among non-Natives and could help bring this information to those who needed it most. They explained that the 'next generation' would need to offer stones to the body in order to help remind people about their relationship with Mother Earth."
To learn more or register for the course visit:
Course Description
Stone Medicine I includes lectures, storytelling, demonstrations, and a written manual with plenty of time for hands-on practical experience to guide you through the most effective methods to achieve safe, therapeutic stone massage using alternating temperatures combined with specific sacred strokes. Instructors are trained and certified by Stone Medicine LLC which is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. (#451227-10)
This two-day 16 CE course is a pre-requisite for more advanced hot/chilled stone massage classes, and offers the most unique and current research available in safety, sanitation and alternating temperatures in the stone massage profession. It will assist you in advancing your career or in supporting your own wellness and that of your family and friends.
You will learn how to deliver various temperatures, specific pressure and vibrations which relieve stress, stimulate circulation, remove inflammation, alleviate pain, enhance the immune system, aid detoxification, improve lymphatic drainage, reduce swelling and enhance over-all health.
Stone Medicine is one of the most profound stone massage treatments available today. You will watch an amazing demonstration of a typical Stone Medicine session. This treatment is perfect in the spa or clinical setting. Each session can be altered to serve a unique treatment plan to meet your clients’ specific needs.
The course tuition covers the expenses of the presentation, the educational materials and certification portions of this training. Various rituals, offered by your Certified Instructor are included as a gift. All ceremony is free...it is NEVER for sale. The course will allow you to participate in re-enactments of ancient ceremonies while hearing legends and stories from the first “Stone Walkers”.
Ceremony is introduced as a method of connection to Mother Earth in the traditions of the ancestors who first developed this style of wellness. Participation in the ceremonial activities offered during the course enlighten participant on how to ‘Walk the Stone People’ in honor. A variety of traditions come to life, including ‘Smudge’, ‘Prayer Tie Offerings’, ‘Calling the Directions’ and, of course, ‘Inyan Pejuta’ (Stone Medicine).